Snowmobile Repair: wont start, needle valves, ammount
QuestionI have a 2002 Polaris 550 cc 2 stoke. I have spark, fuel and 120 lbs. of comprssion.It will not start. It does not even sound like it wants to start. It does seem like it is getting too much fuel (plugs get wet) but I have tried to shut off fuel,dry out and then pour small ammount of fuel in cyclinders and try to start, but nothing. Please help !
AnswerHello Buck,
Considering the age of your sled, I think I know exactly what is wrong with the Polaris. The inlet needle valves are sticking. You will need to remove the carburetors and take the float bowls. After this, throughly clean the inlnlet needle valves and seats. The reason you can't get it started, is that it is flooding it's self with raw fuel. Hope this helps you. Let me know if you need any help! Good luck with the sled! --Arcticatman