Snowmobile Repair: 91arcticat-440jag, nut and bolt, sping

there's a plastic part at the front of the undercarage about 5 inches long-look/s like bolted at the top with nut and bolt is oblong @cutout in middle hooks around round bar/ attached to what looks 2 sping like parts on both otside ends.i think it could be something to do with the brakes.sled only has 1548 mileson it.i dont have manual,but am mechnicaly capable.whats the part and how to repair,where can i get the part.   thank you arcticat/man

Hello Mark,

   I'm not quite sure of the part you are working with so I've come up with a solution. Here is a link, that will show the part;  .  If you can locate the part in there, ( there are microftiche for every noe of them.) Let me know what it is from there, I will be more than happy to help. Good luck, I'll hope to hear from you soon. --Arcticatman