QuestionI recently purchased an arctic cat 340 Kawasaki cheetah from an auction website. I am new to the snowmobile ownership, but wanted something to give the younger kids rides on, simliar to what I had when I was a youth. According to the seller it has a walbro carb. Could you tell met the basics for a tune up. Plug types, fuel mixture, Gaps, Hp, speeds it suppose to go. A place to get a Carb kit. Thank you for your expertise.
AnswerHello John,
That's a nice vintage sled to have. Below are the basics of the machine.
Fuel/Oil Ratio: 20:1
Spark Plug: NGK B9ES ( try a B8ES if it fouls plugs)
Spark Plug Gap: 0.024 In.
HP: 27.5
Point Gap: 0.012- 0.016
You can purchase a carb kit here;
The slack in the track, for tension is 2 inches. For the chain case, use SAE 80 weight Multi-purpose gear lubricant.
For a tune up, I would replace the plugs, install a carb kit, drain the old gas if it is old, check the belt, top off the chain case if necessary, Check the belt for wear, and make sure the track is tensioned properly. Those old Cats last forever (nearly). Hope this helps, let me know if you need any help at all. Good luck with the Cat! --Arcticatman