Snowmobile Repair: Snowmobile Track Clips, mfgsupply, denniskirk

I need to install about 10 new track clips on a 2000 Polaris 700XCSP. Do you have any tips on installing these track clips w/o the $150 tool?

Hello Pat,

  There are a few options you could do. What ever you decide to do, I wouldn't recommend trying to put them on without the tool, I learned that the hard way a long while back. With that said, it's a fairly easy job, and the tool can be purchased for less than 60 dollars. One place to buy the tool would be Ebay, for example here is a new one for 44.99,
  Mfg supply also has the tool for a reasonable price;      Last of all, Dennis Kirk has one for 61.95, probably the best one; .  If you think the track is getting ready for replacement, Tracks USA has a few decent deals; . Hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck with the Polaris! --Arcticatman