Snowmobile Repair: Polaris wont run, hello keith, delivery problem

I have a 1989 Indy 650 which was last used 2 years ago. It was stored the same way it always was. Gas was treated, carbs drained, ran until lines were run dry.  Now it won't start each time I try. It did start once yesterday, and seemed to run ok, without air box. About 20 minutes later wouldn't start again.  My normal first start of the year is to pour small amount of gas in the motor.  This doesn't seem to help.  Could I have a fuel pump problem?  Is something gumed up or sticking.  I am confused more than ever because, it started the once and seemed ok.  What should I try next?

Hello Keith,

  There are two very good possibilities that would be holding it up. The first thing to do, is put brand new spark plugs in, the proper ones are NGK BR9ES, and the gap is 0.025. Now, ground both plugs on the engine, and check for spark. If there is spark, put the plugs in the engine and try to start it. If it does not start after 10 or more pulls, remove the plugs for inspection. If they are wet, then you know you are getting fuel. If they are dry, then you have a fuel delivery problem. Now, here's the steps. I'll start with, IF they are wet. If the plugs are wet and it's not starting, two things are possible, either the sled is flooding, or you aren't getting any spark. If it's flooding, the best possibility is that the inlet needles inside the carbs is sticking. Remove the float bowls form each carb, and  remove the jets and inlet needles from each carb, making sure to check the floats to make sure they are free. Clean the carbs thoroughly. I've used Sta-bil before too, and sure enough, the carb gums up anyway, so this is a good possibility. Now, IF the plugs are dry, You either have a fuel delivery problem, ( make sure you have half a tank of gas or more, and a new fuel filter). Another thing to check, would be again, the carbs, as the inlet needle and or floats are probably gummed up and sticking shut. Another thing to check, is that the impulse line going form the engine to the fuel pump came off, so be sure to check that. My recommendation: new plugs, and thoroughly cleaning the plugs, and you should be good to go. Let me know if you have any trouble at all, and I will be more than happy to help figure this out, and get it fired up! Hope this helps. Good luck with the Polaris! --Arcticatman

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