Snowmobile Repair: 1968 evinrude skee-horse snowmobile, wd 40, sorry for the confusion
QuestionHi I recently asked a question on how to remove the pulley from the left side of the motor. you answered my question for the starter. I would like to know how to take the entire pulley that the belt rides on off.Ther's a nut on the end of the shaft, if i remove it will the entire pulley assembley slide off the shaft?
AnswerHello Mike,
Sorry for the confusion. Yes, after taking the nut off, the pulley should come off. The only problem is, it is probably pressed on there pretty good. Try spraying plenty of WD-40 on it, and shifting from side to side on it while pulling. If it doesn't come off, you will need a universal puller, either form your local auto shop or snowmobile dealer. Hope this helps, let me know of you have any other questions, and I will be more than happy to answer them! Good luck with the Skee-Horse! --Arcticatman