Snowmobile Repair: Fuel Tank cleaning, arctic cat panther, carburetor rebuild kits
QuestionI have a 1970 Arctic Cat Panther that has had old fuel in the tank for over 10 years. What is the best way to clean it out. Also, the carburator will probably need to be cleaned out also.
AnswerHello Mike,
You have a good classic sled there! There are alot of methods to clean out a gas tank, but no matter what, you will have to remove the fuel line, and take the gas tank out. Oven cleaner, being sprayed inside the tank is an option. You can also get some kerosene and a cup of BB'S or ball bearings. Put a quart of kerosene and the cup of bb's in the tank. Put the fuel cap back on ( be sure to seal any vents in the cap with toothpicks or duct tape, to avoid having kerosene splashed out of the tank) and shake the tank. You may have to do this a couple of times but this works and it's cheap! You could also use aquarium gravel, inplace of the BB's or bearings. If the tank has gone beyond repair, you could check with , to see if they have a used tank. For the carburetor, take it off to start. Then, ( and I'm assuming that it's a Tillotson) remove the screws on the bottom of the carb, and carefully pull the carb apart. Take your time, and note how everything goes in place. you can get carburetor rebuild kits here or, for a reasonable price. Be sure to pay careful attention to the inlet needle and seat, they always stick in sleds that have sat for along time. It would be best to get a carburetor kit and just replace them. Use plenty of carburetor cleaner! Using a air compressor to blow out all of the small passageways is a good idea, too. I would highly recommend that you splice a fuel filter into the fuel line, as small bits of sludge that remain in the fuel tank could get into the carburetor and cause alot of trouble. I really hope this helps you, let me know if I can help you at all, with any other questions! Best of luck to you with the Cat! --Arcticatman