Snowmobile Repair: 1996polarisxlt, adobe acrobat reader, frame drop
Questiontrack removal how hard is it and can you email me the shop diagrams thanks
AnswerHello Creekslider,
I think if you take your time, it won't be hard to do the job. Just keep in mind, that you will need to siphon the chaincase fluid, and take the cover off of it, Then take the gears and chain inside out, so that you can remove the 3 bolts inside, that keep the axle and bearings in place. As you probably know, there are bolts on the sides of the tunnel, that you will need to remove, to make the slide frame drop. As far as diagrams are concerned, I don't have one for the 1996, but I have the resources. Here, you can get some decent diagrams, just select your model: . Here, I have a 1998, and very good diagram, and I hope it does the trick for you. If you have a hard time viewing it, let me know what your email address is, and I'll be happy to send it to you. The manual requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Best of luck to you with the sled! Let me know if I can help you at all, with any questions! Hope you can get it going before the snow hits! --Arcticatman