Steering Column Repair: no start after swaping steering column

I have a 77 chevy 3/4 ton with the 5.7L v8 4 brrl i have recently swapped steering columns n after i put it all together no start. I have radio n dash lights & 12.65 v when i tested the battery even hooked up somme jumper cables  n thothing

Hi Kurt:
Sorry about your truck
It sounds like you have either a bad ignition switch or you blew a fusible link (melted wire) down at the starter when you made the swap.  That's where the power comes from and goes to for the start circuit to work (from the battery through the starter connection to the ignition switch, then back out to the starter when you hit 'crank').

I would check the ignition switch with your volt meter to make sure both the red and the orange wires have power.  If they do, then the switch is bad.  If they don't then the fusible link is your problem.

Good luck