Question1994 buick skylark tilt steering will not lock in place
AnswerHello Doug:
Sorry about your car. However, you are in luck. The steering column you have has always had that problem and the remedy is actually quite simple.
The tilt mechanism works by spring loaded arms under the column grabbing a bar at different positions. What happens is the bar works it's way out of the cast housing so the arms have nothing to grab.
The repair is simple. Remove both column covers. Remove the turn signal switch. So far pretty easy. Once the TS switch is out of the way, you will see the small steel bar sticking out of the side of the cast (left side). While holding the tilt lever back (as if you were moving the tilt), push the bar back into place. Then release the tilt lever and your;' fixed! You may want to peen over the cast so the bar doesn;t come out again so quickly.
However, when you go to put the turn signal switch back on, make sure you depress the spring loaded horn contact and help it seat properly under the horn ring contact. Otherwise you will break a $200 switch that wasn't broken before.
That should do it for you
Good luck