Steering Column Repair: steering wheel tilt lever broke off, gmc sierra, gm dealer
QuestionQUESTION: How do you replace a steering wheel tilt lever that has broken off under the steering wheel. I recently replaced my radio control switches in the steering wheel. I have basic skills but this really has turned into a mess. Now that I have all the steering buttons back on and working I was putting the trim back around the steering wheel and the lever actually broke off underneath the steering wheel. I see there is a star bit there and assume it is spring loaded. Just not sure where to get the part and the ease of completing this project. Thank you for your time. I have a 2006 GMC sierra 3500 4x4 SLT 6.6 diesel.
ANSWER: Hi Stephen:
Sorry about your truck
Is it possible for you to post (or send) a couple of pictures of the star bolt you are referring to and a picture of the broken lever. There are multiple column designs and I want to make sure we are talking about the same part and procedure. Once I see the lever, I should be able to tell you where to get one as well. Our company has many of these too.
[email protected] is a good email address if you want to work directly with us there
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
steering wheel
steering wheel
QUESTION: here are the photos. I am trying to get a good picture of the star head. I will also send more to the email. Thanks
GMC steering column
Hi Stephen:
OK. The photos and the vehicle ID were enough. Here is a picture of the exploded view of your column. I think you are after parts 30 and 59. I am also attaching a
parts breakdown of steering column for reference. The 2 part numbers begin with 26........ and are available directly from any GM dealer.
I hope this helps
Steering column Services
Good luck