Steering Column Repair: steering column, steering column, different components

My 1990 century buick was stolen jus got it back yesterday. Need a repair kit,do not have money to purchase a whole steering column. I emailed u earlier,sorry was at work did not give u all info. Plees if u can give me a contact# or somethin,I am in San Antonio,Tx. my desktop is a dinosaur,plees help!! I c how they started it, but cant keep it like this! need car for work...

Thank u,

Hello again Virginia:
Thank you for the clarification but it will still be difficult to accurately tell you what you need.  There are multiple ways to steal a car like yours involving breakage of different components.  If you can send us a picture of your column (from your phone) we will be better able to see what you need.  You can send the photos to [email protected]

However, with that said, most of the time the parts required are the upper lock cover an internal gear or two and a dimmer cap with actuator.  These parts run less than $100 and we have the instructions on how to replace them available as well on our website:

We look forward to being able to help you.  Feel free to contact us by email or by phone