Steering Column Repair: 91 gm tilt column, steering column repair, chevrolet oldsmobile

Where does the dimmer switch rod come out on top?Does it go through the housing or come out the side(kind of a triangle shaped hole).How does it hook to the turn signal lever?

Hello Louis:

We have recently uploaded some pdf & video instructions on our company website (for a small fee) to give you first hand viewing of how to disassemble, and reassemble the tilt column you are talking about. They are broken down into step by step detailed instructions so you can identify and choose only the section you are asking about. Although the instructions are not for your exact car, the column is very identidal to yours.

We have also uploaded exploded views of most columns as well (for free).  Yours should be here:

I hope these instructions can help you.  Lastly, if you need parts to repair this column simply locate the part and you can purchase it directly through the shopping cart.  We stock just about everything you would need to repair your car properly.
Good luck
