Steering Column Repair: honda civic 2000 steering lock troubleshoot, rough dirt road, honda civic 2000
QuestionMy 2000 Honda Civic is now becoming difficult to start. I can insert the key, but the key will not turn unless I work the steering wheel back & forth, and jiggle the key.
(I was just on a rough dirt road, and wonder if something came loose with the bumpy road.)
What part may need to be replaced? Is this an easy fix, or should I take it in to a shop? I've replaced an ignition switch on a 71 Ford pickup, so may be able to do this if it is not too complex. Thank you.
AnswerHi Mark:
Honda is a whole 'nother world away from a Ford as far as lock cylinders go. I can suggest this for now, but most likely I would suggest a locksmith rebuild your existing lock rather than telling you to buy a new ignition switch. It comes out, but not as easily as your Ford. Spray some WD40 right inside the lock . A fair amount , but don't flood it. The work your key on and off about a dozen times taking it in and out each time. The lock cylinder internal component has to slide in and out as well as turn in order to operate properly and sometimes those actions don't work as smoothly as they should or used to. I think you'll find this helps you a lot and may buy you 6 months or a year. If you know of a good automotive locksmith, he can remove and rebuild your lock, cut you a new key and save you quite a bit over getting a new system. If you end up needing a new ignition, you will may have to have it reprogrammed as I believe your car has a factory antitheft system built into the ignition that matches the key (I may be wrong on this part). If so, that means off to the dealer ($$$$$)
Good luck