Steering Column Repair: what is this on the steering column?, plastic button, hi tim

Steering Column Repair: what is this on the steering column?, plastic button, hi tim
steering part
What is the black part looks like a knuckle on steering. Mine came out of steering housing with a spring. Is it part of tilt or lock and how do I fix it... will it slide back in with spring?

Hi Tim:

This is the shift interlock mechanism.  When the shifter is in park, it allows the key to rotate back to the lock position.  When the key is off, it prevents the shifter from coming out of park.  It all goes together when the rack actuator rod is installed and/or replaced.  You can certainly live without it, but if you want it back together, you need to remove the actuator rod, locate the small white plastic button that fell on the floor and install it so the mechanism stays in place while assembling.  If you lost the white plastic, you will not be able to reinstall this assembly.  that's the piece that slide against the actuator rod and releases the components

If this is confusing, I apologize.  It's a very intricate setup without any exploded views to assist you
