Steering Column Repair: relationship of actuating rod and ignition switch, deg angle, copper rods

QUESTION: I am replacing the ignition switch on my 1988 jeep cherokee limited 6cy 4.o with tilt. My ignition switch sits on top of column. TRhe actuating rod has a 90 deg angle pointing toward 12 oclock... if the rod has to go in side slider it has to be 3 o clock position... how do I turn it if this is how it has to go ... if not where does the rod go? Diagram shoes nothing.


This is a very common misconception.  The rod does go in pointing to 12:00.  You need to rotate and flip the switch around, or get the correct switch.  there are two designs and you may have the wrong one.  It will fit going in at the 12:00 position, so DO NOT BEND IT to fit something else.

I hope you figure it out.  Like I said, this is a common problem and mistake

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It worked and now starts but the air-conditioner and radio are not working... any thoughts as to what is wrong?

ANSWER: Glad that worked.  

Most likely you have burned a fusible link at the starter.  There are multiple circuit that feed the ignition switch, not just one.  So if you happened to short out one of them, it will knock out selected circuits like that.  You can tell if the fusible wire is melted inside only by tugging gently on it.  the wire inside will be broken so it will feel more like a rubber band when gently pulled rather than the other wires (secure).  It will be  larger red or pink wire coming off the large terminal at the starter.  You may want to disconnect the battery before playing down there as it is HOT all the time

I hope you get it


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Last question(hopefully)... on the steering column there are two copper rods for ignition and there is also another rod with a joint that goes inside the column and is tethered to firewall. It has a pin with a spring that goes inside the steering column cover towards steering wheel. IT came out with a spring... what is this and should it pop back into its place with spring without have to pull the steering wheel?

Hi Tim:

This time you have stumped me.  For the life of me, I cannot picture what parts you are referring to.  This format allows you to post pictures, or if you'd rather, simply send them to me at my company email address & I can help you once I see what you are talking about.
[email protected]

