Questioni have a 1994 chevy van. the shifter froze and would not go back into "P" after shaking real hard i got it to go but then the key would not come out of the on position. is this a simple replacement of the tumbler or something more. thanx for the help!!!!
GM with tilt and shift
Hi Jeff:
Sorry about your problem. Here's what I thin it is only based on how often these fail.
This one you need to be very careful of, if it's not too late already. This van has the brake shift interlock system. Which means you need to step on the brake to release the shifter. Conversely, it needs to be in park full before the key will be released. When the interlock cable binds or jams. The consequences are exactly what you felt...a shifter that jams and then the key won't come out.
Most likely what is happening (or already has) is that the rack gear actuator cable & rod has jammed or has broken, causing the shifter to bind. Then, when the shifter isn't fully in park, the key mechanism binds.
You most likely don't need a key or tumbler, but rather the actuator rod and cable assembly.
I am enclosing an exploded view of your column. The part I believe causing the problem is part #91 in the right hand corner. It connects to and is part of the cable listed on the left side as part #77.
Ultimately, or very soon, it will break and you will not be able to start your truck.
The worse news is, is that it takes a full overhaul to get that rack assembly out. The top, all the way to through the tilt housing, has to come apart, and the switches on the bottom have to come off.
Good luck