Steering Column Repair: steering column change, salvage yards, diesel auto

will the steering column from a 1990 f-350 gasoline 460 auto fit a 1992 f-350 7.3 diesel auto?

Hi Chris:

The coverage for replacement is 1988 through 1991 for the earlier design and 1992 through 1993 for the later design.  The earlier design will not fit the later designs.
When you do replace the column, yo need to make sure the column going in is from a truck with the same transmission, tilt or not tilt and floor or column shift.

For used parts...Try this site.  You may be able to find what you need.
It's the website all the salvage yards use when they say "Hang on--let me see if my other yard has it".  Actually it's an online database of all the salvage yards in America.  You can search by part, location or price

Good Luck