Steering Column Repair: colum, ford f 150, salvage yards

Well a 1984 column shaft fit a 1976 ford f-150  going from 2wd to 4wd.
thanks Mike

There are far too many variables (and spelling errors) for me to know the question, let alone the answer, but I'll try.

I'm going to guess that your question is really "Will (not Well) a 1984 column shift (not shaft) fit a ford f-150 going from 2wd to 4wd."

1st I need to know if it is a column shift as I suspect?
2nd, if it is, is it an automatic or standard column shift?
3rd, is it manual or power steering?

But most likely, when all is said and done, the answer will be "no".  that's too far of a jump in years.  the columns that came out in the 1980 year model were different from those previously.  that design worked form 1980-1991.  My guess is a 1976 will not be the same or allow you to interchange.

For used parts...Try this site.  You may be able to find what you need.
It's the website all the salvage yards use when they say "Hang on--let me see if my other yard has it".  Actually it's an online database of all the salvage yards in America.  You can search by part, location or price

Good luck