Steering Column Repair: G M C van, chevrolet pickup truck, chevrolet pickup

I have a 1993 G M C g2500 Vandura conversion van which has a tilt steering column that will not lock in any position.  What is broken and how do I repair the tilt system?

Steering Column Repair: G M C van, chevrolet pickup truck, chevrolet pickup
preload spring
Hi Dave:
Typically the preload spring fails to push the locking pin into the lock plate thus preventing the steering wheel from locking.  I am enclosing a picture of that spring, but, the best way to understand the system is to watch the videos we have loaded on our company website.  This will give yo an idea of how to access it and what to look for, as well as how big a job it may be for you to attempt yourself.

Although the videos are for a Chevrolet Pickup truck, the column is very similar to yours.

I hope these videos help you.  If not, please contact me again for more information.
Lastly, if you need parts to repair this column simply locate the part and you can purchase it directly through the shopping cart.  We stock just about everything you would need to repair your car properly.
Good luck
