Steering Column Repair: steering coupler, dodge dakota, engine compartment

hello i have a 1999 dodge dakota 2X4 V6 and the (couplers or u-joint) on my steering shaft(to me they look like small u-joints 2 of them in my engine compartment on my steering shaft) are worn out and need to be replaced and i think i can do it, to save me some money so i was wondering if you have some detailed prints or pics or diagrams for me to follow for me to remove my steering shaft from my truck to insure i do a good job but if not any advice would be great i have the time just need some kind of guideline

Steering Column Repair: steering coupler, dodge dakota, engine compartment
Durang-Dakota steering
Hi Tim:
I do have a picture form Dodge of the coupler (lower shaft).  It is a fairly straight forward repair.  Remove the bolts, contract the shaft and replace it.
You should be able to handle it no problem.  I hope the picture is the same as yours.

Good luck