QuestionQUESTION: Having trouble reassembling the ignition lock to the lock plate pin and rack. The gear for the ignition lock gear rack got moved while having to remove the collar to remove the wiper wiring and connector through the collar assembly and now I cannot get the lockplate pin and rack assembly to match to the ignition switch gear. Any clue how to position the gear and how far out does the lock pin have to be out when reattaching the column collar back on. The Haynes manual does not cover that part.
ANSWER: Hi Paul:
I'm guessing by your description you have a non-tilt column. The problem you are having is a very common and difficult problem to overcome unless you make it easy on yourself.
To make it simple, all you need to do is this:
1) lower the column from the dash (take off the shift indicator string first so you don't break it)
2) remove the dimmer and ignition switch (don't drop the dimmer rod)
3) then install the rack, rod, pin and linkage the way you need it to be in hand into the upper lock cover.
4) slide the entire assembly back on the tube.
5) before you lock it all down, reinstall the dimmer rod and tape it to the column so it doesn't fall out again
6) reassemble the top, put the switches back on and reinstall the column and shift string.
If you try to do it the way you are doing it, you only need about 4 hands to hold everything in place at once & I've found it's just easier to do it this way
If on the other hand you have a tilt column, we have recently uploaded some videos on our company website to give you first hand viewing of how to remove, disassemble, and reassemble the column. They are broken down into step by step 2-3 minute detailed videos with instructions. Although the videos are for a Chevrolet pickup truck, the column would be very similar to yours.
I hope these instructions or videos help you.
Lastly, if you need parts to repair this column simply locate the part and you can purchase it directly through the shopping cart. We stock just about everything you would need to repair your car properly.
Good luck
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yes it is a non-tilt column. your answere is about what I have been doing already. The part that seems impossible is the gear that is in the removable column rotates with the rack and the ignition key switch has to be in a certain position to be able to roatate left to right.Its stationary as its pinned into the removable collar. The rack and pin are in the bottom half of the column and mating the three pieces seems almost impossible or I am missing a step that Haynes does not write about thats privey to mechanics only.when reinstalling the removable collar does the steering wheel lock pin have to be retracted into the lower colum half or out to guide it into the uppercollar assembly. Looking at the gear inside the removable collar there are to diffreent profiles you look at which one must the rack first make contact with to make the steering wheel locking mechanism and the ignition switch operate properly.
AnswerHi Paul:
As I thought.
You need to remove the rod from the lower half of the column so you can assemble it (in your lap or on a bench) without worrying about aligning anything else.
Once you have the rod, pin a d gears assembled in the upper bowl, you can then slide the entire assembly onto the tube still in the truck.
Lastly, if you really want to, you can pop that black gear off the shaft it's on. It will snap back into place if you think you can align it that way. I think that;s harder than the original method I explained.
And finally, it doesn't matter what position the gear, rod and locking pin are assembled in as long as you can rotate them and they all line up in all positions.