Steering Column Repair: 1994 oldsmobile achieva steering colume pins fell out on feet, oldsmobile achieva, 1994 oldsmobile achieva
Questionis there an exploded view of the repair procedure ie the columm itself
GM multiswitch hor con
Hi James:
I do not have an exploded view of that particular column, but I can tell yo it is a common problem. all yo need to do is remove the steering column covers, both upper and lower (fairly easy), then remove the turn signal multifunction switch (also fairly easy) and you will have access tot he holes where the pins go. the problem is making them stay in place after you pop them back in. We typically peen over the aluminum housing with a chisel and punch to help prevent the pins from working themselves out but it never lasts. You get some time out of it, but they end up falling out again over time
The only caution I have for yo is when you reinstall the multiswitch, make sure you depress the small brass or silver spring loaded contact that fits behind the horn ring as you set the switch in place. If you do not, you will damage the switch and the horn will not work.
I have attached a picture of that pin for your review.
Good luck