Steering Column Repair: steering column ignition problem, jeep chry, jeep wrangler

I have 98 jeep wrangler 4.0 5 spd with tilt. little rod that connects from ignition switch to module had end break off rod and I cannot find rod alone.  Jeep/Chry. was several hundred dollare for the entire assembly and junk yard will only sell entire steering column assembly.  Can this little silver connecting rod be bought anywhere.  Thanks-----Randall(p.s.) currently having to start with screwdriver)

Steering Column Repair: steering column ignition problem, jeep chry, jeep wrangler
ignition rod / shaft
Hi Randall:
Our company sells this part and can ship it out as early as tomorrow.   Enclosed is a photo of the part (hsg 04a) and link to the parts page for your review to confirm your request.

The price for your order would be $95.00 for the parts,  plus $12.50  (S & H) and $7.60 tax-- totaling    $115.10.

If you would like to proceed, please contact us through our website and we can continue this transaction
