Steering Column Repair: Passkey Fault light on sometimes and off sometimes, turn signal switch, old security

Doug, I have a 1994 cadillac, with tilt steering column and airbags in the steering wheel, that has a passkey fault light that has been coming on and off for last year or more. What do I need to do to make sure I dont get stranded by this potential problem. A local mechanic told me he could go into this system and by-pass the diode that causes this light to come on and off. Is this a reasonable solution? Could you please help me with this issue before it becomes a major problem by shutting down my engine.
I sent you an email a little earlier in the day asking about my turn signal switch which broke off. Is this a good time to address both problems. The anti spam process on your website is extremely difficult to read. I have tried at least 10 times and failed to send my question. Trying again and again.

Steering Column Repair: Passkey Fault light on sometimes and off sometimes, turn signal switch, old security
VATS antitheft lock cy

This is definitely a good time to address both problems.  One question back to you.  Do you want to keep the anti-theft feature of your car or are you willing to defeat that safety feature and risk allowing it to be stolen?  If you bypass the system, then the car can be broken into and stolen.  If you repair /replace the bad lock with a a new one, you can keep the anti-theft system intact.  The difference is money and risk.

Our website has the instructions for bypassing the VATS antitheft system if you decide to do that.  Otherwise you will need to replace the ignition lock cylinder and have new keys created for the new lock and the old security system.  To bypass it, costs you about $10 & replace and keep the system costs you @$100 and should be done when you replace the wiper switch.  I'll attach a picture of the part you need for that repair.

Regarding our website, the only restriction we know about is a word (character) limit in the question page.  I'll look into that tomorrow as well.
