Steering Column Repair: 1976 Corvette Ignition Lock, transmission cable, cable lock
QuestionI have a recurring problem of a kinked transmission cable lock that runs from the shift selector (automatic) to the ignition switch on the steering column.
The car is adult driven and the shift selector is not being abused.
Your help would be sincerely appreciated.
AnswerHi Phillip:
This is a fairly common problem on that design. As the years go by, the wire inside the cable becomes frayed and causes this problem. As the cable is no longer available (I'm assuming), my only suggestion to you would be to eliminate it altogether. This can be done by removing the cable form the ignition switch at the column so you no longer have the interlock mechanism.
The only function you lose it that the key will be able to be removed in any gear, rather than in "park" only
I hope this helps