Steering Column Repair: 98 plymoth neon steering column, plymoth neon, liquid wrench

Steering Column Repair: 98 plymoth neon steering column, plymoth neon, liquid wrench
at the bottom of the steering column where it connects to what looks like a plunger is a bolt that is attached to the steering column itself and i cant get the pin out, ive tryed liquid wrench and a blowtorch...its on there tight the picture attached is the new steering column

Hi Marc:

I'm not sure what 'pin' you are talking about.  The photo you attached is exactly what you need to disassemble and it's a 13mm nut on a nut.  The nut will not come off, but it will un-thread from the bolt and the bolt slides out leaving you with exactly what you show.
Let me know what I'm not understanding here.....
