Steering Column Repair: steering column, steering column repair, intermediate shaft

QUESTION: what is the u joint between the toe plate and gearbox on a 98 dodge durango

Steering Column Repair: steering column, steering column repair, intermediate shaft
durango steering shaft  
ANSWER: Hi Jeff:
I think you are referring to the intermediate shaft assembly.  I am enclosing a picture form Alldata that should show you and name the parts you are talking about.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: can i purchase and/or replace? this if so where?  This is the union joint between toe plate and the coupler.

Hey Jeff:

You can certainly buy this shaft form the dealer or from any salvage yard.  
For used parts...Try this site.  You may be able to find what you need.
It's the website all the salvage yards use when they say "Hang on--let me see if my other yard has it".  Actually it's an online database of all the salvage yards in America.  You can search by part, location or price

Good luck