Steering Column Repair: 95 Grand Am Tilt Steering Column Loose, torx screws, pivot holes

QUESTION: My steering column has play at the pivot point and is loose in the up and down direction. Where can I find an illustration or directions on how to remove the column? Can the play be tightened up? I have the column completely apart except for the bottom 2 torx screws and can't figure out how to get to them.

ANSWER: Hi Mike:
Most of the time the looseness is not serviceable on these column.  the pivot holes wear out and there is nothing that can be done about it.  I would suggest you look for another column.
For used parts...Try this site.  You may be able to find what you need.
It's the website all the salvage yards use when they say "Hang on--let me see if my other yard has it".  Actually it's an online database of all the salvage yards in America.  You can search by part, location or price

Good Luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This helps. Thanks, but how do I get the bottom 2 screws out of the column. They are not easily accessible.

Steering Column Repair: 95 Grand Am Tilt Steering Column Loose, torx screws, pivot holes
grand am column  
Hey Mike:
From what I remember, the lower 2 bolts (13mm) can be removed with a long extension and socket on one side  and a short socket and ratchet on the other.
Here is a picture to make sure we're talking about the same 2 bolts (#6 in the picture)  along with the instructions from Alldata

1 Push back seal to expose flexible coupling, then remove coupling pinch bolt.
2 Remove lower column support bracket bolt, then the upper bracket to instrument panel support bolts and lower column.
3 Disconnect column electrical connectors and shift indicator cable, if equipped.
4 Disconnect shift cable at actuator and housing holder, then remove steering column.