Steering Column Repair: Steering wheel colunm broken from theft, honda accord, steering wheel

I have a 2000 Honda Accord LX it was recently broken into. They tried to steal it but were unsuccessful, the ignition were you put the key was ripped out and microchips around the column damaged. What I need to know is do I need the while steering column or individual parts? If parts what would I be looking for and how would I install them. Thanks

Steering Column Repair: Steering wheel colunm broken from theft, honda accord, steering wheel
ignition lock assembly
Hi Esperanza
You will need a complete ignition switch and housing assembly.  these parts are not sold separately and will cost about $200  there are different parts depending on your model and transmission.
You can get a used one, but the microchips you see broken are your antitheft system.  You would need to get a new immobilizer also.  (it comes on a new lock assembly)  I've attached a picture of an older lock assembly, but they are basically the same.

The problem is that regardless of what parts you put in, the lock has to be recoded to your key so your key will turn it and then the immobilizer has to be programmed to your car and key.  these ar thing a good locksmith can do or a dealer.

Altogether, you will spend about $400-$500 to have this problem fixed (plus the damaged covers)

I hope this helped you
