Steering Column Repair: Shift Lever, steering column repair, shift lever

QUESTION: Hello Doug,
My 1994 F150 key switch was getting worn out and could move past the stops I new a replacement was coming. Then last week started it up and the shift lever would come out of park (truck running). Turned off and replaced the Ing switch with new. Now shift lever will only move out of park when switch is between off and run. Is this a alignment issue?

Steering Column Repair: Shift Lever, steering column repair, shift lever
Ford lock removal  
ANSWER: Hi Steve:

From your description, the only thing you changed was the ignition lock cylinder.  Is that correct?  If so, you shouldn't have changed any of the alignment.  The lock comes out with the push of a pin (in the run position), and then goes in the exact same way.  that being the case, nothing should have changed inside the column
If you changed something else, or did any more work, let me know what you did & we can explore this together.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for getting back, no I didn't change anything else. So something must need replacing in the steering column maybe the plastic thing that the ignition lock turns to let the shift lever out of park. Do I need to remove to hole column to replace that?

Thanks for your reply

Steering Column Repair: Shift Lever, steering column repair, shift lever
Ford column shift brac  

Typically what goes wrong with the shifter system is the shift tube and bolts that secure it to the cable at the end of the shift tube (under the dash) come loose.
I would check to make sure all of the bolts and brackets are tight before I started replacing the shift interlock system parts.  Otherwise, you're getting pretty deep into the column.

The interlock mechanism is underneath the shift tube, which is mounted to the top of the column.  To inspect and replace any part of it, you would need to lower the column and remove the shift tube.
