Steering Column Repair: 93 Ford F150 Column Shift Broken, aluminum shaft, torx screws

My 93 F150, with E4OD Transmission, Column Shift Lever (PRND12) is broken.  I opened up the plastic column cover to find that the aluminum shaft connected to the handle and going back to the cable hook up is sheared in half.  How do I replace this part and where do I get that part? Haynes is no help. Thank you.

Steering Column Repair: 93 Ford F150 Column Shift  Broken, aluminum shaft, torx screws
Ford Shift Tube
Hi Jim:
The shift tube and shaft (or the bushings) on the top of the steering column snap making shifting the car impossible.  The parts to be replaced are available through our company website.  We stock and sell them all the time. (   The replacement parts have been redesigned to avoid future incidents.

The shift tube and shaft are fairly easy to replace.  Part of the procedure is described in our How-To pages, ( First remove the top and bottom column covers.  If the lock cylinder is in the way, look under the column for the access hole to release the lock.  In the "On" position you can then press the release pin and remove the lock.  Then the upper cover will come off.  You will need to lower the column down from the mounts.  Be sure to disconnect the shift indicator string before you drop the column or you will break it!
Once the column is lowered and resting on the seat you will be able to see the 6 gold colored 30 torx screws holding the shift tube and shaft in place.  Remove those 6 screws and the accompanying brackets, disconnect the shift cable (down by the floor and brake pedal) and the assembly is in your hands
I hope I've helped you.  If you cannot handle this, feel free to contact my company directly at and we can rebuild it for you and ship it back.
