Steering Column Repair: Steering Column in an F-250, turn signal switch, ford f 250

I just bought a 1992 Ford F-250 pickup/plow truck. The wheel is a non-tilt but it wobbles all over the place. I am assuming past owners used it to pull themselves into the truck but cannot find what is broken. Could it be that the bearings in the column are busted or should the entire column be replaced? Also, the right directional doesn't work unless you wiggle it around for a bit. Any advice on this or where to go to find the exact part would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Steering Column Repair: Steering Column in an F-250, turn signal switch, ford f 250
Ford Housing & bearing
Hi Wes:

The bearings are a very popular problem with these trucks.  
We have recently uploaded pages and a description of how to rebuild the upper portion of a Ford steering column on our website.  They are broken down into step by step detailed instructions. Although the example is for a 2000 Mustang, the column is identical to yours (tilt and non tilt use the same housing).

I hope these instructions help you.  If not, please contact me again for more information.
Lastly, if you need parts to repair this column simply email us on our "Contact Us / Order Parts" page and we will get back in touch with you personally

Regarding the turn signal switch, it sounds like you need to replace that as well.

Good luck
