Steering Column Repair: multi function switch, wire harness assembly, negative battery cable
Question2002 buick regal. When using high beam I can be driving along fine and then they go out. I quickly switch it to dim and they work. Put it back on high beam and could go a few miles and they go out again. When I use the switch it doesn't click distinctively like it used to. Am told it is maybe the multifuntion switch. What do you think? My husband is quite handy but I am wondering if this is something he could do. Some websites talk about being careful not to deploy the air bag. Is there anyplace I could get some detailed instructions for replacing this part. thanks for your help.
multifunction switch
Hi Carolyn:
It sounds like the multi-switch is bad. That's pretty common.
Here are the instructions, but he does have to disable and power down the airbag as well as remove it from the steering wheel in order to do this job. Basically, disconnect the battery, wait 10 minutes and then he is safe to remove the airbag and steering wheel, etc.
Before you start this job though, check out the procing for a new switch. These are quite pricey
Without Cruise Control 26085928 $491.05
With Cruise Control 88963625 $542.58
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Disable the SIR system. (Airbag)
3. Remove the steering wheel.
4. Remove the steering column trim covers.
5. Remove the wire harness straps from the wire harness assembly on the steering column.
6. Disconnect the multifunction switch assembly connector from the SIR coil assembly connector.
7. Slide the multifunction switch assembly connectors out of the steering column bulkhead connector
God Luck