Steering Column Repair: Ignition switch problems, oil pressure gauge, windshield wipers

I have a 1986 Chevy Van. The other day when I started it I immediately noticed that the voltmeter and oil pressure gauge jumped past their marks. The van started okay but when I pressed the accelerator, it stayed at idle. I shut it down and went to restart it and there was nothing, not even a clicking sound. Now the gauges don't work, but the horn, headlights and taillights work. The heater, windshield wipers, and turn signals do not work. I cleaned the battery terminals and checked to be sure it has a full charge. I am in the process now of going inside the steering column to see if there is a shorted circuit. I checked the wire leading to the starter and it has juice going to the starter.  Am I on the right track going into the steering column or is the problem elsewhere. P.S. I had the alternator checked out already.

Steering Column Repair: Ignition switch problems, oil pressure gauge, windshield wipers
GM Ignition switch mou
Hi Danny:

There isn't going to be anything inside the column for you to find or see.  The electrical business for the ignition system is on the outside of the column mounted on the top side of the tube (about just above your ankles).  If you want to check the ignition switch, that's where it is, not inside the column.
Based om your symptoms though, I would check your ground connections from the battery to the body and form the battery to the engine block itself.  It sounds like you have a bad ground and that's why so many features are affected.
But to answer your question directly, no, nothing 'in' the column will help you

I hope this helps you
Good luck