Steering Column Repair: ignition switch, s10 blazer 4x4, s10 blazer

It won't unlock. 97' s10 blazer. 4x4 2 door power everything. Key goes in but won't turn.

Steering Column Repair: ignition switch, s10 blazer 4x4, s10 blazer
GM ignition lock
Hi Brian:

I'm sorry about your lock.  The lock cylinder has failed internally because part of it is jamming inside the lock housing, stopping it from rotating freely.  This is fairly common and requires a locksmith to build a lock to fit your key, remove the old lock cylinder without damaging the Pass-Lock antitheft system inside the housing and replace the lock.  This usually costs about $100-$150
Here is a picture of how to remove the lock cylinder, but it needs to be rotated to the 'start' position in order to access the release pin...that's where someone with experience comes in.  If you damage the housing it could get costly ($300-$400).

Good luck