Steering Column Repair: locked up Jeep, jeep question, model jeep

QUESTION: Hi!  I parked my Jeep today and went into a store. When I came out and put the key in the ignition the key would not turn.  The transmission also felt stuck and the brake is extremely pressurized.  I tried to jiggle the wheel and even get out and rock the vehicle back and forth.  Both of those solutions failed.  Its as if the jeep is completely locked up.  I live in a small town in Alaska and don't want to have to tow my truck to anchorage to be ripped off by some guys I don't know.  Please help!!!

Sorry about your truck.  I can certainly help you, but I need to know what year and model Jeep.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey Doug, Thanks for the reply.  Sorry for not including that info.  My Jeep is a 2000  Cherokee Classic, 4.0 L, Straight 6.  It has 88,000 miles on it and has been a very dependable truck.  It drove 4000 miles to Alaska and all I had to do was put gas in it!  Awesome- but now randomly this?!  Could this be a sensor in the steering column?  Or some weird anti-theft feature I have no knowledge of?  Your response would be immensely helpful!!  I have a very early day tomorrow, if you have to much info to convey over the net and would rather just talk,  I can be reached at my cell (907)602-8985, Again-  Thank you so much and I will be waiting diligently by the computer or phone for your response!!

Steering Column Repair: locked up Jeep, jeep question, model jeep
Release pin  
Hi Jon:
This is a very common problem with vehicles these days.  The lock is not reading the key so is will not allow it to turn.  
Here is something that works more often than not.   At this point you may need a new lock cylinder anyway so damaging the old one is not doing any more damage.  

Spray some WD-40 into the lock where the key goes.  Then, with the ball end of a ball peen hammer, tap the chrome part of the lock cylinder (the face where the key goes in). Then try to turn the key.
If that still does not work, then go to the next step.
With the key still in the lock, gently tap the key deeper into the lock with a small hammer. Do not hit it any harder than you would if you were hitting your own don't want to break the key, just jar the lock to read the key.

If that doesn't work, then you will need to replace the lock by forcefully removing the old one like this:
First remove the lower steering column covers. There are 3 Phillips screws on the bottom holding cover in place. Now you can see the lock housing. Look underneath. You will see a small opening (about ½ inch square) with a metal tab in it. This is the release pin for the lock cylinder. This tab is what needs to be depressed to remove the lock. The only problem is it needs to be in the 'on' position to depress easily.  Since it won't turn, we need to force it.
Very carefully, so as not to damage the thin lock housing holding the lock, take a punch and hammer and drive the locking tab (release pin) of the lock cylinder up into the lock. Once it is depressed enough (it's a soft metal & will crush slightly into the lock), you will be able to simply slide the lock cylinder out so you can replace it with a new one.  Sometimes while you are hitting it, the tumblers move and the key will work again.

To reinstall the new lock, you will need to turn the internal switch position to the "on" position.  Do this carefully with a large blade screwdriver.
The enclosed photo shows the locking (Release pin) that needs to be depressed.

I hope this all works for you
Good luck