Steering Column Repair: 1976 Corvette, model gm, photo instructions

I am trying to remove the ignition switch where the key goes in and also removing the 2 cylinders from the steering column so I can repaint them. All screws and bolts are removed but the column will not come off. What do i do next?

Steering Column Repair: 1976 Corvette, model gm, photo instructions
Using a flat blade scr
Hi MIke:

The early model GM lock cylinders are a little different than the 80's and 90's.  If you have a replacement lock, you will see a small black spring loaded bar on the side of the lock cylinder housing.  That is what holds the lock in place.  
To remove it, most times you need to punch through the cast housing in the correct spot to depress that bar.  Look inside the upper lock housing cover.  Using the new cylinder, measure where the hole needs to be and you will see an area notched out.  Punch through there, hold pressure and pull on the lock cylinder at the same time.  Once you press the bar correctly, the lock simply slides out.  The new one will slide in and lock in place by itself.
Here is a picture of the housing and where to punch through to help you accomplish that.
Lastly, our company has video and photo instructions for some of these repairs in "How-To" section.

Let me know if you have any more trouble.

Good Luck