Steering Column Repair: 1990 jeep wrangler steering column, turn signal switch, jeep wrangler

1990 jeep wrangler steering column floor shift without pulse wiper, no tilt. several times attempting to turn off engine, column switch would not budge, finally I turned the switch clockwise, just like starting and then was able to turn the switch counter clock all the way to turn off. Now the switch, only goes to the position that unlocks the steering column and no further to engage the starter. The key goes in fine and comes out fine. Any idea?

Steering Column Repair: 1990 jeep wrangler steering column, turn signal switch, jeep wrangler
lock cylinder removal
Hi Jack:
You have a lock cylinder that is beginning to fail.  You will need to replace it
To replace Ignition lock cylinder:

•  Remove horn pad attaching screws.
•  Pull pad reward, then turn horn lead insulator in counterclockwise direction to disconnect horn lead.
•  Remove steering wheel attaching nut and retainer
•  Using suitable steering wheel puller, remove steering wheel.
•  Using a suitable tool, compress lock plate and remove snap ring.
•  Remove lock plate, canceling cam, upper bearing preload spring, thrust washer and signal lever.
•  Remove turn signal lever or actuating arm screw. Depress hazard warning button, then unscrew button.
•  Pull turn signal wire harness connector from bracket on the bottom of the column to relieve the wire pressure and allow you some slack.
•  Remove 3 turn signal retaining screws and remove turn signal switch, (just pull it out of the way about 3-4 inches).  
•  Remove lock cylinder key warning buzzer contact and the lock cylinder  retaining screw and lock cylinder.

To install:
•  Push and rotate lock cylinder assembly into housing until fully seated.
•  Install lock cylinder retaining screw.
•  Install buzzer switch, turn signal switch, horn cam, locking plate and steering wheel.

Here is our website that offers more detail for a similar column.  Although the video is for a tilt column, this procedure is the same for your column.