Steering Column Repair: 97 Mustang replaced, shade tree mechanics, steering column repair

QUESTION: My husband could have written this, the exact same thing happened to him:
Expert: Douglas Gan - 3/23/2009

I go to fill gas up in my 97 Mustang GT and when I get done filling the tank I go to turn the car on and the Key just turns back and forth without turning the car on. The radio and ac is still getting power to it even if I completely remove the key.

We replaced the Rack actuator gear as you suggested. Now when the car starts the anti-theft system shuts the car off. I called the dealership and was told we would have to tow the car to the dealership, buy another key(I only have one) and have them both re-programmed. Is there a cheaper way around this? Is this info accurate? Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated!

Steering Column Repair: 97 Mustang replaced, shade tree mechanics, steering column repair
column assembly parts  
ANSWER: Hi Shanda:
Sorry about your misadventure.
Did the antitheft receiver get broken during the repair process?  If not, then it should be fine.  Just make sure it's plugged in correctly
I have attached a picture of the assembly.  The part I am talking about is #3.
If it's all plugged in and not broken, and it still will not start, then I think you are stuck with that answer...sorry.
I don't believe it's anything you did and you may end up needing a new key with the transponder in it and/or a new receiver (part #3).  I believe it may just be a computer chip failure in one of those parts.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Douglas,

I really appreciate your quick response. I think you are right about the transponder not being plugged in all the way. The ignition feels loose and it is logical that since the ignition has been taken in and out to access and replace the actuator gear, that there is where the problem is. Unfortunately, the "shade tree" mechanics that replaced the actuator gear are reluctant to come back out and take another look. I am fairly mechanically minded and I believe I can check to find out if the transponder is broken or just not plugged in. I know how to remove the lower panel from the steering column but don't know how to remove the ignition cylinder so I can remove the top cover. Can you advise me on how to do that? Is there anything else I need to know before I delve into this? I need to check this possibility out and hopefully I won't have to call a tow truck.

Also, why is a second key necessary? The dealership said I would have to have a second one made.

Steering Column Repair: 97 Mustang replaced, shade tree mechanics, steering column repair
Ford lock cylinder rem  
Hi again Shanda:
You will most likely be able to see if the transponder is plugged in once you get the bottom cover off.  If you want to get the top one off, all you need to do is release the lock cylinder, slide it out and the top cover is free to come off.  I have enclosed a picture for you to see where the release pin access hole is on your car.
Here's how to get it out:
Turn the ignition to "on", depress the pin and slide the lock out.

As far as needing a second key, That's the way Ford designed their early antitheft systems.  You need to program a new one from the original when you are reprogramming a transponder system.
It's a very strange setup, but only the right scanner from Ford can do this programming and it takes over 1/2 hour.

Good luck;  I hope he put the transponder back on (and didn't use one from another car).  If so, you'll need to buy a new one from Ford and a tow truck is required :<(

Good luck