Steering Column Repair: steering column, steering column repair, aluminum piece

QUESTION: why wont 95 bonneville start after i just put a new column in it

Steering Column Repair: steering column, steering column repair, aluminum piece
vats key  
ANSWER: Hi Darnell:
This can be fixed very simply if you have a VATS system.  Does your key have a black chip on it like the picture I have enclosed?  If so, here is the procedure for you to follow.

Take the original and the replacement key to a locksmith or GM dealer--DO NOT MIX THEM UP.

You will need to purchase a new key blank that has the VATS reading as the original key.  The key blanks typically cost about $25.00 each

Once you have the new blank in your hand, ask them to cut it to match the replacement key.

That's it.  Now you have a new key that will turn in the replacement column and send the original VATS code to the vehicle computer.  Your car should start

Good Luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: can i just put the chip in the replacement key instead

ANSWER: Darnell:
There is no way to replace the chips in the keys; they don't sell them separate from the key blanks.

The only other option is to bypass the entire theft system but that involves soldering a resistor into the wiring harness under the dash.  It's a lot more work than going to the locksmith and it will take some parts, time, labor and a trip to Radio shack, but ultimately it's about $10 cheaper than a key.  You still have a lot of work ahead of you though.

Here is a link to the instructions on how to do that.

This and the key replacement are your only two options to start this car.....for my money, I'd get a key built and be done!

This is my company & the home page

Good luck


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: how do i repair frame mounts on 95 bonneville

What frame mounts are you talking about?
If you are referring to the bracket for the steering column, then I am assuming the aluminum piece has come out of the groove.  Just slide the aluminum piece back in and secure it to the dash.  If if is too short, then the column has collapsed and need to be replaced with another.
If you are referring to frame mounts of any other portion of the car, then you will need to redirect your question to someone else...that is outside my area of expertise.
