Steering Column Repair: ignition, ford f150 4x4, turn signal switch

QUESTION: lock cylinder does not move the ignition switch,i have removed both and seem fine.if it is the rod that connects them how can it be fixed?

ANSWER: Hi Terry:
Please reply telling me what year, make & model vehicle you are working on...then I can help you

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ford f150 4x4 auto.1994 non tilt wheel

Steering Column Repair: ignition, ford f150 4x4, turn signal switch
rack gears  
OK...Hi Terry
It sounds like the white plastic "Rack actuator" gear has broken.  There is a small pin on the end that falls out.  It's a very common problem but requires a bit of work and experience to replace it.  It is buried inside the column.  The steering wheel, both covers, the turn signal switch, the lock cylinder, the actuator gears inside the lock housing, the upper bearing retainers, the tilt housing (tilt and non-tilt columns use the same housing) all have to come apart to access this rack gear.  Once it's apart, the new rack needs to be shaved slightly to fit in properly.  Then during assembly, the gears for the lock cylinder need to be realigned properly to hit all the key positions.  If you miss by 1 tooth, it is very difficult to get the lock cylinder out again to correct it without breaking it.  I would not recommend doing this one yourself unless you're confident in your skills.
A good repair shop should charge you about 2 hours labor to do it and the part costs about $17.00
The part has to come from Ford (or us) only, (not a parts store) & the part # is F2DZ 3E723 A.  Your rack gear is the long yellow plastic one in the bottom of the photo.
I hope this helps you

As we are limited to the content and can only post 1  photo, if you want to continue with this dialog, need more photos of the housing removed, or want to order the part, please contact me through our company website at:

Good luck