QuestionQUESTION: it started out with the turn signal working slow, then they dont work at all. if i do it manually they work,if i put on the headlights it shows on the dash both turn signals lights on and the front lights dont work, not even the running lights. i checked all the bulbs are ok. what should i do next? new headlight switch, turn signal switch, or the turn signal switch in the column. thanks tony
gm flasher
ANSWER: Hi Tony:
You have a couple of problems here.
The slow (and finally no flashing) turn signals is a bad flasher. It is a round unit that does the clicking on and off for the turn signals. Your vehicle has 2 of them, one for the 4-ways and one for the signals. You will need to isolate them so you replace the correct one. I will enclose a picture here so you know what to look for.
The second problem is the illumination in the dash when you put the headlights on. That is usually a bad bulb crossing filaments between the parking light (or taillights) and the signal filament. You will need to look very closely at the bulbs on all 4 lamps (2 parking lamps and 2 taillights) to see which ones are bad. Inside each bulb you will see 2 filaments. The higher one is for the taillights and is not as bright as the lower one, which is for the signals. When you turn on the park (or) headlights the two filaments are touching in one of the bulbs as it heats up and warps ever so slightly. You will need to find those bulbs. There will be one on each side that is bad.
Let me know what you find
Good luck
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i cant find the turn signal flasher i found the 4way do you have a diagram. its not on the fuse box.i cant isolate the turn signal flasher please help
AnswerHi Tony:
I do not have any diagrams (they are impossible to find) of the flasher locations. My guess is that it is clipped to a metal rail usually near the steering column (above or next to it) near the floor. Otherwise, it will be clipped to the dash panel near the radio. They are always clipped to something metal and permanent to help give the loud clicking sound you hear. They are hard to find sometimes and without going by sound, they can sometimes give you a run for your money and patience. It's there though.
I'm sorry I can't be more help
Thanks for the compliment earlier.
You'll find it. I always do.