Steering Column Repair: Key will not turn on truck 1991 ford F 150, ford f 150, 2 nuts
Question The truck will not turn on and a pin about 1 inch and 1/8 long fell out from under the steering wheel . Please help my windows are down in truck and it is starting to rain. Please!!! As soon as possible.
ford ignition switch
Hi Carla:
I'm sorry about your truck.
The quickest and easiest way to engage the ignition is if you take the ignition switch off the column and move it manually. It is mounted on the side of the column just above your knees on the left-top part of the steering column tube. You will have to remove the panel b e low th steering column to see it, but I believe yours is attached by finger twist buttons. turn them 1/4 turn and the panel comes off.
I have enclosed a picture of the switch for you to see. Remove it by taking the the 2 nuts off the column, and then using a small screwdriver slide the switch to what ever position you need.
the only problem you still may have now is the steering wheel may still be locked, so you will not be able to drive it until you repair it properly.