Steering Column Repair: high beam switch 87 Blazer, upper column, tilt column

Someone cracked the column on my '87 Blazer when they stole it.  They damaged the highbeam switch, no click. How can I fix this? It is a tilt column, and the blinkers still work as well as the wiper controls.

Steering Column Repair: high beam switch 87 Blazer, upper column, tilt column
GM dimmer actuator
Hi Josh:
Sorry about your truck.
The high beam switch is actually mounted on the column tube just above your left ankle.  There is a rod that runs from the lever (you pull) to that switch.  Usually when they break into a column, they damage the housing cover and the dimmer actuator falls out, so there is nothing to push the rod going to the switch.  The upper lock cover and dimmer cap have to be in place with the inner parts and actuator assembled.  
Short of rebuilding the upper column cover there is not much you can do the repair the function and have it last.
We have recently uploaded video of a column rebuild to our website for you to see what is involved.  I am also enclosing a picture of the dimmer actuator that may still be in the truck (on the floor).
If you decide you want to repair the column, simply contact us through our website "Contact Us" page and send us a picture of the damaged column.  We can assess the damage, quote you a price and send you the parts you need.
Here is our URL: