Steering Column Repair: anti theft on 96 Buick Regal, chip resistor, resistor value

I have a 1996 Buick Regal which has been excellent.  But now, I turn the key but nothing happens. Lights, radio, etc., all working.  Complete check up, everything great. Could it be the anti theft lock on the ignition?  How do I reset the anti lock  so we can use the car. Two mechanics already have given up.

Steering Column Repair: anti theft on 96 Buick Regal, chip resistor, resistor value
vats key
Hi Nancy:
You are correct in your anti-theft assumption.  You have described a VATS failure perfectly.

What is  VATS?

Vats stands for Vehicle Anti Theft System. Lots of people refer to this type of key, as a " computer Chip key". This key or "Chip" has nothing to do with a computer, nor is it a chip. But because of the popularity of calling it a computer chip key, so will we. So that we don’t confuse. The black chip on the blade of the key, is actually a resistor.  GM uses 15 different resistors in their VATS keys. Just by looking at the keys you can’t tell the difference.

How does the VATS System work?

Each VATS key has it’s own unique cuts on the key to turn the lock; but the cuts alone will not allow the car to crank. This is called the mechanical portion of the key. Each GM car (certain makes and models) has a VATS module (computer) under the dash that communicates to the starter (or fuel pump) circuit. Each VATS module is randomly given a # (value) from the manufacturer. When the proper mechanical keys, along with the proper VATS chip (resistor value) turns in the ignition lock, the VATS module reads the chip on the key. If it is the correct chip, the VATS module will tell the starter and the fuel pump to operate. If the wrong chip is read, the VATS module will tell the starter and the fuel pump to shut down.

Inside the lock are contacts that read this chip on the key.  Each time you turn the lock to start the car, these wires move and bend inside the column.  After 10+ years of turning the key on and off, the wires begin to and ultimately break.  Once that happens, the signal to the computer is lost, thus the car will not start.

You have 2 choices.  bypass the system, eliminating this anti-theft protection, or replacing the lock and recreating new VATS keys.  The costs to repair this problem can be from under $10 if you do the bypass yourself, to over $200 if you have a professional replace the lock and keys.  I can provide procedures for both.  
Let me know (either by email again or through this site) which procedure you would like me to send you.