Steering Column Repair: 1989 Dodge Ramcharger steering column, 1989 dodge ramcharger, dodge ramcharger

I am looking for a looking for assembly instruction and any drawing or exploded view of a 1989 Dodge Ramcharger Steering column.  I inherited the truck with the steering column mostly disassembled.  They were going to us it for parts for another steering column and never did.  I believe I have all the parts and would like to put it back together again.  There was nothing wrong with the column when they took it apart.  I would like to find a good exploded view or drawing and assembly instructions showing how it goes back together.  Thank you for any information you can share.

ANSWER: Hi Mick:
I need to know if it's with or without tilt and if it's front or rear wheel drive.  There are multiple columns for that model.  I'll check back with you later

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for getting back to me.  It is a Ramcharger 100 4x4 without tilt.

Steering Column Repair: 1989 Dodge Ramcharger steering column, 1989 dodge ramcharger, dodge ramcharger
ram upper  
Hi Mick:
These are a little tricky & I can only send you 1 picture through this format.  If you need more drawings (& I think you will), email me at

All of these pieces go in after the lock cylinder, the pivots for the ignition rod are attached and the lock plate and spring are set in place.  You need to make sure the lock plate is sitting on the shaft exactly so that when you push down on it, it slides over the horizontal pin through the shaft.
Here you go: