Steering Column Repair: loose tilt joint, turn signal switch, torx bolts

I have a 91' full size GMC Jimmy the other day my tilt joint got really loose. I do not know how to get into the joint and tighten it or what really to do. I was told there is some sort of plate in the joint that might need replacing. I checked the bolts where the steering column goes into the dash and they were all tight. I cannot find any diagrams any where on what I might need to replace or what I might need to change to get it working again. It seems to be one solid piece from the dash to the joint, then from the joint to the steering wheel.

Steering Column Repair: loose tilt joint, turn signal switch, torx bolts
Loose tilt
Hi David:
It sounds like the tilt knuckle has been loose for a while and just recently it has gotten increasingly worse.  This is very common on older GM vehicles.  If it happened suddenly, then there is a possibility that the steering column tube has cracked or broken.  If that's the case, you will need to find a replacement cannot be fixed.  If it has happened gradually and then finally gotten too bad to drive, here's what needs to happen:
In order to repair it, the column need to be disassembled down to the lower shift bowl.  That means everything has to come off.
the horn cap, the steering wheel,(special puller needed) the lock plate,(another special puller needed) the turn signal switch, the lock cylinder, the upper lock cover, (with the wiper switch still mounted inside) the tilt housing spring, the tilt housing pins (a third special puller needed), the tilt housing with bearings and the ignition rack gear...and then you can get to the bolts that hold the 'stand' to the column tube.  There are 4 inverted torx bolts that come loose or come out completely and need to be reinserted and tightened.
Once you have accomplished that, you can go ahead and reassemble everything you just took off.
It's a big job and if you've never been inside a column like this, I wouldn't start with this job.  It's just about a full overhaul.  Our company charges $175 to repair this and it takes out trained techs about 1-1.5 hours (it gets easier after you've done 200-300).  If you decide you want us to do it for you, you can UPS the column to us & we will rebuild it for you.  contact us through our website listed in my profile if you decide you want to pursue that.
I'll enclose an exploded diagram if you think it will help.  You are after the bolts I pointed to with the red arrow.
Good luck