Steering Column Repair: 1987 Bronco Electricial problem in steering column, left turn signal, release pin
QuestionQUESTION: 1987 full size Bronco automatic 4X4 I can start the car with out the key. The anti lock break light comes on and then the radio stops working, then the electric windows stop the left turn signal sound like its working and the front is no light on the dash and lately the wipers stop. I can keep turning the key back and forth with out starting or turning off the car. after the car warms up pushing forward like starting the car eventually the radio will come on and as long as I hold the key lock in that position every thing works. After every thing warms up it all seems to work. Also the heater blower only works on high level 4
ANSWER: Hi Steven:
You have a lot of issues with this truck. The only help I can offer is to address the lock turning without the key. You need a new lock cylinder and that will stop and cure that problem. On the bottom of the lock is a release pin. When the lock is in the "on" position (with or without the key), locate that hole and push a probe in to depress that button. The lock will then release and pull out. Simply slide the new one in in the same position.
Aside form that, the other problems are much more than I can handle
I hope I've helped you (a little)
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you that will help a lot. What is in the steering column that works the turn signals and such. Everything seems to be related to the position of the lock. Push it forward and just prior to engaging the starter that win most everything starts working. Is there an electrical switch contact or something like that in the column.
Thanks for you help
Answerhi Steve:
Yes, there is an ignition switch lower down mounted below the dash panel on the outside of the column that the lock pushes through a series of rods. Once you get the lock out, spray some WD40 (not too much)inside the hole and that should make things work smoother and maybe solve a lot of problems.