Steering Column Repair: electrical problems after steering column replacement, windshield wipers, jeep cherokee

QUESTION: The turn signals, radio, windshield wipers and air conditioner/heater failed when the steering column became very loose.  Replaced the entire steering column with a used part, steering's fixed, still no electrical.  Help?

ANSWER: I really need to know what kind of car this is year/make/model before I can help

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It is a 1989 Jeep Cherokee Pioneer

 Yes, the Cherokees are bad about coming loose like that and they tend to cut into the wiring that goes through the column, you may have blown a fuse, fusible link, or a relay, I know the wiper delay control relay (plugged in the harness) are very fragile, replacing that may fix your wipers... good luck with it